Tiffany & Co Tips and Guides — Authenticate Tiffany co pieces
Spot the Fake Return to Tiffany & Co Heart Padlock Charm and Chain: Side by Side Comparison
authenticate Tiffany & Co items authenticate Tiffany co jewelry Authenticate Tiffany co pieces Tips to authenticate Tiffany jewelry

Hello again! Today's segment will focus on a classic and very versatile Tiffany & Co piece - The Return to Tiffany Heart Padlock charm and chain. Tiffany & Co padlock charms are not only unique and beautiful; they are also pieces that can be used in many different ways. Since these padlock charms can be opened and closed, you can use them on a necklace, as a bracelet charm, bag charm or even attach them to your key rings. Perfect ways to add a Tiffany touch to anything you own! :) For these same reasons, fake versions of this piece...
Spot Fake Tiffany & Co Rings and Necklaces: Two Examples
authenticate Tiffany & Co items authenticate Tiffany co jewelry Authenticate Tiffany co pieces authenticate Tiffany co rings Tiffany co 1837 tiffany co jewelry Tiffany co necklace tiffany co pendant Tiffany co rings Tips to authenticate Tiffany jewelry

Hi everyone! Today's article continues to tackle more Tiffany & Co pieces, and how to distinguish an authentic item from a copycat. We will inspect two pieces and take a closer look at the differences between the two. 1) Tiffany & Co Ring - Peretti, Picasso, say what??! Let's examine the first piece. Below you will see two versions of the Tiffany & Co XXOO (Love and Kisses) Ring. This is actually a very popular and beautiful statement ring. It sends a subtle message "(Love and kisses :))" in the most classic and elegant way! The authentic ring (pictured on...
Easily Spot Fake Tiffany Necklace & Earrings Telltale Signs
authenticate Tiffany & Co items authenticate Tiffany co jewelry Authenticate Tiffany co pieces tiffany co earrings tiffany co jewelry Tiffany co necklace tiffany co pendant Tips to authenticate Tiffany jewelry

Hello! In today's post, I will walk you through a few "Tiffany & Co" items, and explain some of the details that definitely classifies the piece as a FAKE item. There will be other indications that show an item is not authentic, but for this article, I will focus on the most obvious detail that gives it away as a fake piece. Let's dive right in: 1) TYPE OF EARRING ATTACHMENT a) Notes Dangling Earrings: Let's take a quick look at the REAL version of the earrings (you can click on the picture below to enlarge the details): Click...
Spot a Fake Tiffany Ring: Authenticate a Tiffany & Co 1837 Square Ring
authenticate Tiffany & Co items authenticate Tiffany co jewelry Authenticate Tiffany co pieces authenticate Tiffany co rings Tiffany co 1837 tiffany co jewelry Tiffany co rings Tips to authenticate Tiffany jewelry

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of Real vs. Fake Tiffany. Today, I am doing a review of the Tiffany & Co 1837 Square ring. An authentic version can be viewed from picture below. Click on the ring photo to be taken to the product for more details: Next, let's take a closer look at a counterfeit ring of the same style. On its own, it can sometimes be difficult to tell that it is fake. The front view seems to show the "correct logo markings" for the ring, right? It has T & Co on the front of the...
Authenticate Tiffany & Co Items - Tiffany & Co Gatelink Cufflinks - Real vs Fake
authenticate Tiffany & Co items authenticate Tiffany co jewelry Authenticate Tiffany co pieces Tiffany co gold tiffany co jewelry

Hi everyone! Although all of the guides on this site assist in helping you determine specific qualities and characteristics of authentic Tiffany & Co pieces, most of the articles so far have focused on women's jewelry. So, today's article will focus on Men's jewelry, specifically the Tiffany & Co Silver / 18K Gold Gatelink Cuff Links. When you think of an item to be "copied", your mind probably does not go to Tiffany & Co cuff links. The more prolific fakes are of necklaces, bracelets and earrings. But the reality is that illegal copycats don't discriminate - they will make...